Fragmented Psyche

Educating about Mental Health, Addiction, and trans issues through entertainment. Mental Health Advocate and Comedian

Who are we?

We are a diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder system (collective of multiple alters). I, Zac, am the primary alter that runs all of our social media.

An entertainer by heart, I aim to educate through entertainment about my experiences of living as a transman, an addict, and with a wide array of Mental Health diagnosis.

At the end of the day, my goal is to make your day 1% better!

For business inquiries please e-mail [email protected]

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Support Us

We create content and stream full time while we raise our son and are going back to school. some links may be affiliate links. This helps us out also


Product Recommendations

GEAR we use daily for content creation and streaming, as well as cute self care that makes our system happy

( Made with Carrd )